Beschreibung CREATE An Intensive Biz Playbook & Planner: Scale Your Online Business, Create Explosive Growth and Build a Brand You Crave. An intensive business playbook for ambitious solopreneurs & small business owners who want to build an online business they crave, experience explosive growth, and embrace their zone of geniusNeed a business coach or mentor without the hefty price tag?Meet CREATE.This intensive business playbook is a companion to the wildly popular CREATE: One-Year Blog & Editorial Planner. Designed to be picked up at any time of the year, you can use this workbook as an end of year business retreat exercise to reflect and reorganize, a mid-year declutter-your-biz exercise, or simply because you need a surge of inspiration. But unlike other planners and workbooks that ask surface level questions, CREATE will help you dig deeper into your business. Here’s what you’ll uncover with CREATE:How to visualize and create your own powerful 4-step marketing funnel that seamlessly moves your subscriber through his or her buying journey.WHY you’re probably sitting on gold mines of existing offers(and WHAT you need to do to polish, refine & relaunch them)How to avoid the feast or famine trapthat businesses fall intoHow to create an income planfor your business TODAY with real numbers you can track(it’s not rocket science. Neither is itscary!) My 4-part process that gives your business a 360 view into 7 critical areasDiscover 2 unique ways to increase the number of revenue streams WITHOUT adding a new oneThe 5 types of peoplewho come into contact with your business and brand (and why you need all 5 of them!) And more…This 160-page playbook has plenty of space to hold your creative thoughts, ideas, and scribbles. The questions it raises will help you reflect, reframe, and realign different aspects of your business. Yet, you’ll never feel lost because of the prompts and suggestions you’ll be presented with every step of the way. CREATE will hand-hold you through the process as you consider the tough questions that will enable you to design a business that embraces your zone of genius.Intrigued yet?Then scroll to the top and click or tap “Buy Now.”
Playbook – Create Planners ~ The CREATE Intensive Playbook is structured into 7 different business areas. In each area, you will follow a four-part process: Review (Where you are and what’s already working) – Analyze (Where you need to be) – Reframe and Realign (Where you need to go) – Act (What can you do today and what steps you need to take to make the biggest impact)
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CREATE An Intensive Biz Playbook & Planner: Scale Your ~ This intensive business playbook is a companion to the wildly popular CREATE: One-Year Blog & Editorial Planner. Designed to be picked up at any time of the year, you can use this workbook as an end of year business retreat exercise to reflect and reorganize, a mid-year declutter-your-biz exercise, or simply because you need a surge of inspiration.
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